Avoid network downtime, keep your costs in check by ensuring your microwave network is ALWAYS up to date and supported.
O AVSCare Lifecycle Support
A comprehensive network upgrade program to ensure your microwave network is always up to date and backed by state-of-the-art technology, features and support. Keeping your microwave network current ensures less downtime, better performance and low/fixed costs.
The challenge:
Public safety microwaves often left to deteriorate.
In many cases, law enforcement agencies make one-time purchases for microwave technology and then, often for budgetary reasons, leave the network untouched for many years. Leaving the microwave network unsupported and vulnerable to technological obsolescence can create some serious problems.
Lower Network:
Outdated microwaves that aren't under a 24×7 support contract are more likely to cause problems. Preventive maintenance has been proven to reduce errors over time. Also, ensuring the microwave is updated with the latest software can ensure interoperability with other equipment on the network, thus reducing the chances of failure.
Low performance:
The microwave network can suffer from poor performance with outdated software. New microwave software upgrades are constantly being released by the manufacturer to increase safety, capacity, reliability and other features. As traffic grows and security requirements change, the microwave network must be updated with the latest software and features.
High Costs:
No consistent funding plan means no funding to ensure these upgrades take place, thus keeping the network in top shape. Financing for long term care can often be challenging. Funding for the evolution of LMR networks in the public safety sector is typically periodic. In most states, new funding occurs infrequently. Network operators can get fully budgeted across their entire network every eight or ten years, or even longer.
What is more:
Land Mobile Networks (LMR) are consistently in lifecycle support agreements. Why not apply the same approach to your microwave network?
The solution:
AVSCare lifecycle support The Fully Supported, Always Up-to-Date Microwave Network. Aviat's Microwave Lifecycle Support extends LMR's Lifecycle Solutions to a complete edge networking solution.
Less Idle Time
Ensuring that your microwave network always has the latest hardware, software and features ensures the lowest likelihood of network failures. By reducing interoperability and security vulnerabilities, AVSCare Lifecycle Support optimizes network uptime and stability. In addition, full 24×7 support with preventative site maintenance plays an important role in ensuring your microwave network runs smoothly.
Best performance
Ensuring you have access to the latest capacity, security, reliability and interoperability features ensures that your microwave network runs as smoothly as possible. Your microwave network can now keep up with increasing demands for more data at greater overall network uptime.
Lower / Fixed Costs
With this solution, public safety network operators gain financial and operational stability to focus on their mission-critical security across the state or region. That means budgeting for long-range support throughout the entire operational lifetime of the network. That means providing all the necessary network monitoring, maintenance, and maintenance. And that means full protection against technological obsolescence. New funding rarely becomes available when upgrades are needed or desirable, so… AVSCare Lifecycle Support provides stability without additional unexpected expenses.
Extended warranty
We offer customers the opportunity to extend the warranty support offered at the time of purchase. This service is “ideal” for customers looking for ongoing investment protection that ensures units are repaired when you need them, without the administrative hassles of individual POs.
In addition, as with any AVSCare SUPPORT SERVICES package, you will have prioritized access to our technical support teams. Given the reliability and stability of our products, many customers find that this level of support is all they need.
For customers who need more specialized or enhanced support services, AVS Brasil offers the premium portfolio of WarrantyPlus services . This includes access to 24×7 technical support, software maintenance and support, advanced replacement and repair logistics services.
Service quality
We know that many of our customers need more than the basics, but still need cost-effective services that help them reduce their overall operating expenses. With this set of services, AVS Brasil can offer that combination of quality of service plus value that you need to guarantee the operational efficiency of your investment in the network.
Let AVS Brasil watch your network for you - monitor, debug, send and resolve. And we can do all of this remotely. AVSCare Managed Services utilizes a powerful set of tools and industry best practices to keep your network operating effectively and efficiently. Remote monitoring. Performance management and optimization. All provided 24×7 or for any segment of the day, night or weekend.
Network Monitoring
• Let AVS Brasil watch over your network for you - monitor, debug, push, resolve - we can do it all remotely.
• Three levels Essential, Plus, Premium - to meet your specific needs.
• Leverage an advanced set of tools / processes to keep your network operating effectively and efficiently.
• Provide resources at your location or perform service at our facility in Barueri • Remote monitoring, performance management, optimization
• Seamless integration and quick response from corrective action teams - Ground (4 hr.), Tower (12 hr.)
Corrective and preventive maintenance
Let AVS Brasil have the right resource in place, with the right skills and the right part in a committed time frame.
• Will arrive on site on schedule with the right test equipment and spares to ensure operational excellence.
• Diagnose problem, restore service with guidance from TAC.
• Annual inspection service to correct and mitigate deficiencies.
• Spot checks of grounding, cables, HW and SW radio equipment, power systems and other relevant areas on the PM checklist.
• Final report documenting the results, conclusions and guidance on any further corrective measures required.
Performance management and reporting
• Proactive service to identify areas for continuous improvement of your baseline network design.
• Configuration and monthly capture of performance data for microwave links and related systems.
• Standard monthly report on performance management areas, namely:
• Improve link visibility
• Improved link availability (radio performance)
• Link performance improvement (capacity)
• Recommendations to improve link visibility, link availability and link performance - make the network efficient and effective.
Performance optimization and consulting
• Performance Optimization builds on Performance Management actions to help a customer plan their network capacity as their business requirements evolve.
• High-touch advisory service to optimize network performance; monitor, analyze, manage. Designated Designated Consultant.
• Leverage an advanced set of tools / processes to keep your network operating effectively and efficiently.
• “Network Aware” approach with accurate and timely advice.
• Improved reports - monthly report on network performance and optimization metrics, quarterly reports with QBRs; Monthly analysis of areas that need attention.
Support operations management
• Support manager assigned to provide guidance on service contract delivery, discuss operational metrics, and plan actions.
• Escalation management - identifies the main critical service requests and continuous follow-up with AVS Brasil service teams until resolution.
• Service Delivery Management - Ensure KPIs are tracked and executed against SLA commitments.
• Manage ongoing Knowledge Transfer to ensure that the client's team has information about ongoing knowledge transfer activities.
• Monthly reports tracking operational support metrics.
• Get the latest, most up-to-date information from experts and be ready to apply your knowledge at work - get more productivity out of your network.
• Trained employees make fewer mistakes which translates to higher network uptime and satisfied customers.
• Open enrollment schedules allow the convenience of training individuals without impacting your entire team's work schedule; lower costs and greater flexibility.
Instructor training
Instructor-led training is recommended for individuals who will be overseeing the design, configuration, installation and deployment of projects involving Aviat products and microwave and IP/MPLS technologies. The AVS Brasil training catalog includes courses for:
• Microwave radio products and network management systems
• IP Routing, Switching, MPLS
• Transmission engineering
• Installation Practices
Course content is enriched with hands-on labs (nearly 50% of the course duration) and case studies that provide students with scenarios they will experience in real-world deployments in their networks. Courses are conducted as dedicated or open enrollment sessions, so you can choose the class that best fits your schedule and budget.