ODU 600 V2
Very High Capacity Split Mount Microwave Radio!
The Aviat ODU 600 is a next-generation universal outdoor unit (ODU) for split-mount applications, incorporating the latest ASIC technology to combine ultra-small size and weight with low power consumption and smooth evolution to ultra-high capacity supporting up to 4096QAM and 110/112 MHz channel spacing.
The ODU 600 is compatible with the Aviat Eclipse and CTR in-house platforms, including backwards compatibility with already deployed hardware and software for easy introduction into existing networks.
ODU 600 is a high-capacity ODU that meets the capacity demands of the future in a compact footprint. Benefits of the ODU 600.
• Smaller Antennas: Antennas represent the largest cost component of a microwave system. Using high power radios like the ODU 600 can reduce the total cost of microwave ownership by up to $30,000 over 5 years.
• Future Proof - The ODU 600 meets the capacity demands of the future, supporting up to 4096QAM with 112 MHz channels wide for a total throughput of 850 Mbps in a single unit
• Smaller, lighter and easier to manage - our new ODU 600 has a reduced size and weight and is 75% smaller than previous versions of the ODU 600. Additionally, our new ODU 600 has a 70% reduction in the number of variants of products than previous versions of the ODU 600 for lower tower profile/cost and lower shipping and installation costs
• Backwards Compatible - The ODU 600 is compatible with all implemented Eclipse and CTR indoor units and is backwards compatible with the ODU 600 Flexible Power Mode.
Aviat's ODU 600 is the industry's first universal ODU to support software-defined base and high power modes in a single ODU with Aviat's unique flexible power mode (FPM) feature.
The Aviat ODU 600 offers the highest transmit output power in its class of ODUs across multiple frequency bands including:
• Wide operating frequency range: 6 - 42 GHz
• High transfer rate per T / R, per polarization: data up to 850 Mbit / s
• Flexible Power Mode (FPM) for software defined basic power and high power modes in the same unit.
• Multiple transport options - Carrier Ethernet, PDH / SDH / SONET or Hybrid (Mixed Mode Carrier Ethernet + PDH / SDH / SONET) on a single radio channel.
• Over-the-air interoperable with previous versions of the ODU 600 for easy upgrade and evolution.
• Supports CTR, Eclipse IDU, and INU transport and switching platforms.
• Full 4096 Coding and Adaptive QAM Modulation (ACM) with Eclipse.
• Supports simultaneous operation of ACM (Adaptive Coding and Modulation) and XPIC (Cross Polarization Interference Cancellation)
• Operating frequencies L6 / U6, 7/8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23, 26, 28, 32, 38 and 42 GHz;
• High throughput per T / R, per polarization
◦ Typically 850 Mbit/s data
◦ Up to 127xDS1
• Flexible Power Mode (FPM) for software selectable mode or optional high power mode;
• Transport options - Carrier Ethernet, PDH / SDH / SONET or Hybrid (mixed Carrier Ethernet + PDH / SDH / SONET), IP / MPLS, on a single radio channel (depending on the indoor unit);
• Up to 4096QAM, with ACM (depends on indoor unit /RAC);
• Channel size support from 3.5 to 110/112 MHz depending on indoor/RAC unit
• Wide range of diplexer adjustments to minimize back-up, simplify ordering and inventory;
• Supported configurations include 1 + 0 NP, 1 + 1 MHSB, 1 + 1 MHSB SD, 2 + 0, 2 + 0 XPIC;
• Ultra-compact: 230 x 180 x 65 mm, 2.7 L, all frequency bands;
• Operating temperature range: -33 to +55 degrees C
• Compatible with Aviat Eclipse IDU GE3, RAC 70 / 7X, RAC 60 / 6X / 60E / 6XE, RAC 30v3, with operating software R08.00.72 and higher.
• Compatible with the Aviat CTR 8540 (RAC 1x, RAC 2x), the CTR 8311, 8312 and 8380 (versions 1 and 2) with operating software R3.2 and higher.
• Over the air interoperable with the previous version of ODU600 (v1).