Privacy Policy

The introduction

AVS Brasil fully recognizes and respects the right to privacy of the personal data of its customers and users. It was with this in mind that the company prepared its Privacy Policy, determining that, in no way, customers will have their data disclosed to third parties, except when this information will be necessary for the delivery process, billing, or participation in testimonials about products, which in fact, it is carried out by the visitors themselves.

The company recognizes that users and visitors know that when browsing the site or participating, whether through registration or a simple visit, they directly or indirectly provide information that is subject to records by computer systems.

Therefore, AVS Brasil undertakes to use this information only for the specific purposes for which it was collected. In the event that the user later disagrees with this Privacy Policy, we provide several ways for him to access, change or request the removal of all or part of his personal information from the database.

b) Collection of Information

Participation in contests or orders in the catalog presupposes the correct indication of the user's personal data. The omission or inaccuracy of the data provided may make your purchase or participation unfeasible. AVS Brasil and/or its partners may not accept participations, cancel orders and/or even remove from the system information and registrations of users whose data it considers to be incorrect.

AVS Brasil undertakes not to share, assign or make available to third parties, by whatever means, the personal information it holds in its possession. However, this data may be used by the company itself in order to communicate information, market news and/or offers of its products, unless the user expressly declares that he does not wish to receive this information.

c) Use of “Cookies”

“Cookies” are normally used to better adapt the contents and other functionalities to the interests and needs of visitors. Refusal to accept "cookies" may result in the inability to access certain areas of the website and/or receive personalized information.

The site uses web statistical analysis tools to measure and characterize the audience, and these may be used both to personalize and improve your experience on the site and to evaluate statistics about its use and performance.
AVS Brasil and its partners take all the precautions within their reach, using cryptography and high security, in order to guarantee the protection and integrity of the registered personal data. However, users acknowledge that the system is supported by a computer platform on an open network (internet), subject to intrusion attempts and malfunctions intrinsic to the systems themselves.

d) Information and Changes to the Privacy Policy

AVS Brasil makes this Privacy Policy available on all pages of its store. Browsing and/or participating in any form on the website presuppose knowledge and full acceptance of the Privacy Policy, as well as other informational content.

In this way, AVS Brasil reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, undertaking to disclose all changes in this space.

e) Final Considerations

Any comments, questions, complaints or requests for clarification about this Privacy Policy or about the website in general, should be made through the available contacts, telephone (11) 4375-1919 or email

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